Plumber working on pipe

When to Retire Old Pipes

It’s essential for homeowners to be wary of the age and state of many inner workings of your home that your family relies on for day to day activities.

Particularly for those in older homes, it is important to keep an eye out for signs that your pipes are aging quickly and ready to be replaced. If ignored, old and corroded pipes could wreak havoc on your plumbing and cause irreparable damage to your home.

Here are some of the signs of worn-out pipes.


If you’re experiencing leaky pipes, they may be damaged and corroded. A big enough leak poses a threat to the integrity of your home and should be taken care of immediately. Even a small leak, however, should be treated with urgency in order to keep it from growing.

Discolored Water

If you’re used to crystal clear water, it will be very obvious when it comes out of your faucets a different, icky shade of brown. This is an indicator that there is rust in your pipes.

Rust will not only alter the look, but also the taste and smell of your water.


Hidden leaks can often create staining on walls and ceilings as the water seeps into them. If you notice any discoloration under your sink or on the walls, you should call a professional immediately to take a look.

This is where leak detection services come in handy! Our team will come in equipped to locate the leak and take care of it efficiently without unnecessarily tearing down more drywall than needed.


If you happen to be hanging out underneath your sink, or you can see your pipes in the laundry room or basement, take a look at the outside of your pipes. If they are flaking or have several dimples and dings in them, there is likely a bigger issue inside!

Repiping in Henderson, NV

If your pipes are looking a little worse for the wear, bring Atlas Plumbing in for a repiping. Give us a call at (702) 819-7137 or contact us online to get started.